A global family

                CONNECTING PEOPLE
The personal experiences of employees show how Software AG is changing and how its mix of diverse backgrounds and perspectives promotes this dynamic process and builds belonging. A quick trip from Munich, Germany, to Sydney, Australia.
Ralf Stohldreier

                    Ralf Stohldreier

Senior Vice President A&N Professional Services and Global Support

                Diverse and observant

His team stands behind him, literally. RALF STOHLDREIER uses a group photo as his background for video calls: approximately 400 people from nearly a dozen nations, women and men, spanning all ages. This is what diversity looks like. And it’s his job now to integrate this diverse team into the Business Unit ADABAS & NATURAL. “That can be a challenge,” he says. “For example, if a young employee is pushing for immediate change while an experienced colleague points out that the tried-and-tested procedures work well.” What matters then is the discourse: “Change happens when we connect the different arguments.”

Ralf Stohldreier, born in 1964, has held management positions in IT consulting and sales for over 25 years. Since mid-2018, he has been responsible for Professional Services at Software AG for the DACH region and Bulgaria. His team sells and designs consulting solutions based on our SAG technology. After assuming responsibility for PS Advisory Services in Europe and South Africa in January 2022, he has been responsible for Global Professional Services ADABAS & NATURAL and Global Support since May 2023. What’s the key to success here? “Active listening to develop services that deliver the best results for customers.” As the team leader, Stohldreier—who was an officer in the German army before starting his career in the IT industry—sees his role as a team coach. “When I make a decision, I always have to consider the consequences—for the customer, my team, the Company.” 

                Diverse and dynamic

Anala Pm

                    Anala PM

Regional Lead HR Ops, Global HR Operations

                Flexible and connected worldwide

Her full last name is Paramesvara Manjula, which sounds lovely but is a bit complicated for untrained speakers and listeners. That’s why she prefers to abbreviate it: ANALA PM. “It’s easier for many of my international contacts.” In her role as a regional lead HR Ops APJ, the 30+ from Bengaluru in South India - currently located in Sydney, Australia - is responsible for HR operations. When she speaks with new hires, there is a term that she often uses: “Family. I use it to advertise for the Company, and I experience every day that it’s actually true.”

When she joined Software AG six years ago, Anala PM focused on the Indian HR market. Then the Asia-Pacific region was added, and now she communicates with HR colleagues all over the world. “The feeling of being part of a family has remained,” she says. “And this family is becoming more and more global.” The local silo mentality is dissipating and making way for a worldwide connection.There are no traditional core working hours.

“We work in a hybrid model, which means office hours and leisure time are very flexible.” For her, this means that meetings with HR colleagues in different time zones can sometimes be later in the evening. “I like it,” she says, “because I can manage my schedule with more flexibility.” She is not the only one with this positive view: When she talks to IT talents, Anala PM notices that this flexibility is a benefit many potential candidates now highly value.

88 different nationalities*

*Includes working students, interns and temporaryemployees.

> 2000 Employees

21% Women in leadership positions*

*People managers throughout Software AG Group.

                    Truly Connected Stories

Thought leaders introduce themselves beyond their work, telling their personal innovation stories within 90 seconds.